were it not for 意味

発音を聞く:   were it not forの例文
  • wère it nót for ...


  1. might not have remembered it were it not for that hideous aquamarine hue .
    君の悪い青緑色じゃなかったら 覚えてなかったかもしれないが
  2. i would describe it as an act of selflove were it not for the fact that she was technically present .
    厳密に言って 彼女が存在している事実が無ければ 自己愛的行動と言える
  3. charles milverton's autopsy report , which i would happily consider new data were it not for the fact that i was there when he was gunned down .
    チャールズ・ミルヴァートンの検視報告だ 彼が撃たれた時 僕がその場に いたという事実が無ければ
  4. but were it not for me and my mention of this city's potential for home and hearth , not a one of you would have had the vision to come here , let alone the cojones to travail such a fraught and punishing pilgrimage .
    私がDCの可能性に言及しなければ 誰も向かわなかったし 過酷な長旅に 耐え切れなかったはずだ
  5. but were it not for me and my mention of this city's potential for home and hearth , not a one of you would have had the vision to come here , let alone the cojones to travail such a fraught and punishing pilgrimage .
    私がdcの可能性に言及しなければ 誰も向かわなかったし 過酷な長旅に 耐え切れなかったはずだ


        as it were:    as it were 恰も あたかも 謂わば いわば
        if it were not for:    (現在の事実に反対の仮定を表して)もし~がなかったら If it were not for her children, I would ask her to marry me. 彼女に子どもがいなかったら、私は彼女に結婚を申し込むだろう。 The man may have been killed if it were not for the police intervention. 警察の介入
        were:     WERE {略} : where どこ◆インターネット
        and then there were none:    {映画-1} : そして誰もいなくなった◆英1945《監督》ルネ?クレール《出演》バリー?フィッツジェラルド◆この作品以降数回リメイクされているが、今なお本作品をベストに推す声が多い。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {著作} : そして誰もいなくなった◆英1939
        as if it it were that easy:    簡単{かんたん}なことのように、事も無げに◆大変なことを気軽に言う、大変なはずなのに簡単にできてしまう、など "Why don't we find someone who can put music to our lyrics." "As if it's that easy!" 「私たちの詩に曲を付けてくれる人を見つければいいじゃない」「簡単に言うけどねえ」
        as if it were a picnic:    (遊びではないのに)まるでピクニック気分{きぶん}で
        as if it were air:    あたかも空気{くうき}のように、当たり前に、当然{とうぜん}なものとして
        as if it were nothing:    こともなげに
        as if it were true:    as if it were true 実しやかに 誠しやかに まことしやかに
        as if were alive:    生けるごとく
        as you were:    {1} : 〈英話〉もとへ◆言い間違えたので訂正するときに -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : なおれ◆軍隊の命令
        beatles as they were:    {映画} : 《The ~》ザ?ビートルズ?グレイテスト?ストーリー◆米1978
        if need were:    必要になった場合、必要なら、必要とあれば If need be [were], you can reach me at this number. 必要な場合は、この番号で私にご連絡ください。
        they were expendable:    {映画} : コレヒドール戦記◆米1945
        were to do:     wére to dó ?be 【助】 3 .


  1. "werdnig hoffmann disease" 意味
  2. "werdnig-hoffman disease" 意味
  3. "werdnig-hoffmann disease" 意味
  4. "were" 意味
  5. "were at school together" 意味
  6. "were notの縮約形" 意味
  7. "were pen-drawing something to be mastered in a week or a month, there would be small merit in the accomplishment" 意味
  8. "were that (to be) the case, i would not complain" 意味
  9. "were the drapes open or closed" 意味
  10. "were" 意味
  11. "were at school together" 意味
  12. "were notの縮約形" 意味
  13. "were pen-drawing something to be mastered in a week or a month, there would be small merit in the accomplishment" 意味

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